I am including an excerpt from a letter recently delivered to the choir and orchestra at Colonial Baptist Church, where I have just concluded 8 years of ministry. So many wonderful memories - so much to be grateful for that my LORD has done for me. I adapted the first line, since today is the arrival date here in our new home.
Well, you know me and numbers. Today – June 17th – is the day we arrived in North Carolina to begin our ministry 8 years ago. I have had a flood of memories coming over me through this month as we have pondered the work of God in our lives. Central in most of those reminiscings have been you. From the first gathering we had (I believe it was the first Kick-Off Cook Out – about two weeks after we got here, yes?) What a wonderful gathering of friends and families to welcome us. You filled our hearts with stories and ideas and dreams and prayers as you said “yes” to your new leader. And you always did that – sharing your love in spiritual ways. You filled our arms with hugs – for people you didn’t even know. And you always did – giving your love in touchable ways. You filled our pantry with food, reminding us that you would love us in tangible ways. And you always did – we never lacked a single resource during our time here.
So now eight years later, what has God done? I think of rolling with you Sunday after Sunday through the remainder of Romans (I came in ch. 5, I think . . . ), then journeying through Job and riding royally through Revelation. We took each Sunday seriously – with an opportunity to ask the question, how can we engage the people of God most effectively in praise and His perspective throughout this service? Then there were the bridge outreach events. Christmas Sweet, Sweet, Sweet, Sweet, Sweet, Sweet, Sweet. The Together Musicale in ’05, our first recording together: I think it was the Christmas Sweet recording. Then there was “Watch the Lamb” at Easter in ’06, “The Passover Experience” in ’09, “Passion for the Messiah” – ’10 Easter outreach – wonderful chances to share the truth of the gospel clearly and compellingly. We also had some great concerts together, from the two Gettys Hymn sings, the Sing A New Song live recording, Larnelle Harris & Steve Green, and special hallowed moments like singing for Paul Jackson’s and Kay Yow’s funerals.
Many of you were the nuts and bolts that held those ministry times together. Faithful leaders who met, ministered and served quietly. Or loudly, depending on how you were wired. I’ll never forget the joy of working with such talented volunteers. From the capable and constantly stretched accompanists to our team of dynamic and disciplined conductors I was surrounded by quality people who constantly said it – “I’m just here to serve.”
I also was blessed with an amazing support staff, both hired and volunteer (as they say, the staff gets paid to be good; the volunteer is good for nothing!) who put in tirelessly long hours pulling music, printing music, sorting books, labeling new works. The army of the unnamed who have helped us through the years is amazing, and again requires more paper than time.
I want to recognize the staff that God used to bless me through the years. Each and every one made a mark on my life and yours as well. These were the day to day soldiers I had the privilege of rubbing shoulders with who kept the ministry ideas – brainstorms – flowing and moving in the right direction. Add to that summer and fall interns, our precious Tech Ministry staff, and a host of very supportive families – and you have a very large church family, ministering to a much larger body of believers.
You do realize don’t you – we were the church? We never went to church – we were the church, going together to be a blessing to those around us. Never lose focus on who you are – the church of Jesus Christ, called to serve Him, love one another and tell the world of His salvation. And never forget the joy we had of doing that together. I won’t. One of the great privileges of my life has been to serve as your leader, sing to you and with you and serve the people of God with you.
Now, may the Lord bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you and give you peace.