Right about that time a policeman who taught Middle School boys put his mark on my journey by sharing his week by week, and it touched me deeply. That next summer I came to a crisis of faith during a Sunday night message by my dad in the pulpit of this church . . . and "walked the aisle" of faith to settle the issue. I knelt on the back step against the back wall (no curtain there at the time . . .) with my older brother Tim, who would not be convinced that I was not a believer. He knew I had been struggling but could not bring himself to believe I did not really know the Lord.
So he called in the "big guns" - my dad came over and asked me one simple question. "Son," he asked. "Do you remember a time when you gave your heart to Jesus?" I remembered the "legend" of my childhood decision remotely but did not recall a change, and really had no intellectual tie to that decision. So I told him that, and said beyond that I was not sure. He gently began at the start of the Gospel and shared it again with me. I prayed a simple prayer of faith, but with full recognition of what I was getting into . . . and that began the journey of faith that has transformed my life.
38 years, 41 states, 14 countries, two ministry degrees & 8 church ministries later, I'm still walking with the God who changed me in that corner. I revisited that spot just two weeks ago - and thanked the Lord for beginnings.
Where did your journey start? Has it started, or are you still seeking? Trust me, this is one trip you don't want to miss. Following Jesus has been the adventure of a lifetime! Want a ticket? Reach out to me and I'll tell you how you can start your journey as well - email me at davidwloftis@gmail.com.