It goes without saying that if you don't say it, people won't know. God chose to use words to communicate truth, so how do people know if the truth isn't available in words. These are just another set of lips sharing the truth of the ages as revealed through God's Word to His servant for these times. Questions? Ideas? Objections? Let's talk about it!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Belief vs Behavior? Or is there a precedent before both?

My friend Rich Davis sent me this missionary's blog - and while scooting around on his blog site, I found this article.  This is a very similar concept to one that I preached on Ash Wednesday last month here at Haven Hill.  The question I asked was if we are to earn, pray and go,"  are those consecutive commands or concurrent?  In other words, we take new believers when they come in the kingdom, sit them on the sidelines while we teach, train and feed them until they are "ready for ministry" - at which point they have been taught to sit and absorb, and we can't move them off the fence.  Jesus' model seemed to be different - he plugged them in to serve way before finishing the teaching. He had no resume checks for his team members.  He sent them out two by two long before they disappointed Him, denied Him and deserted Him.  His training was concurrent with his ministry partnership.  Some call it "OJT" - I think this goes way beyond that.  And I think that's what Floyd has figured out . . . see below.


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