It goes without saying that if you don't say it, people won't know. God chose to use words to communicate truth, so how do people know if the truth isn't available in words. These are just another set of lips sharing the truth of the ages as revealed through God's Word to His servant for these times. Questions? Ideas? Objections? Let's talk about it!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Church Has Left the Building . . .

This weekend I had the privilege of participating in a one day compassion event, in which the church we currently attend - a three year old church plant - gave a call to make an "Impact" on the city it is involved in.  The goal is not as much to make a dent, but to get moving - get out.  The small congregation of approximately 300 people was challenged to make time on Saturday to join with other believers and pioneers in eight different projects.  They ranged from giving care to young unwed mothers to cleaning the grounds outside their home.  One group dug a 400 foot sewage ditch for a needy church member.  Yet another group donated time to a local public high school to spruce up their grounds (money which had been cut from the school budget).
In all, 160 people came out - many with children and teens tagging along - to work anywhere between six to ten hours.  With children included and the time they added, there were well over 1000 volunteer hours for the Lord given to the kingdom on Saturday.  One young man I worked with had just come to faith in the past few weeks before that time.  Another pre-teen worked alongside her mom, and progressively came out of her shell and relaxed to have a wonderful day.  A father of three boys brought them along - I watched as the boys learned to work together, through conflict and mini-crisis ("my brother won't give me a turn with the broom" - "It's my turn to use the wheel barrow").  The dad used the opportunities to gently teach the guys to work out their differences and stay focused on the goal - which was the blessing of service.
Put it in perspective. This church just had a work day with over 50% congregational participation.  Try that in a church of 2,000 or 5,000 - we'd do well to get the same 160 for the day.  And why is that?  Not because there isn't a love for the Lord or a desire to serve Him.  It ends up being about purpose.  The slogan chosen by the church for the day is the title of our post - "the church has left the building."  This was splattered across the heather gray tee-shirts chosen for each volunteer.  And it represents well the desire of young churches today.  Our purpose is not the gathering; our purpose is the scattering.  We exist not to meet, but rather to live on mission.  We gather to be encouraged, so we can scatter to fulfill our marching orders.  So we can accomplish His purpose for His church and in our lives.
Another key factor was leadership involvement.  I believe all 5 elders in the church served hands on with one or more of the work projects for the day.  Most of the deacons were serving somewhere.  All the Life  Group leaders ended up onsite as well.  It is not too difficult to find the troops who will follow their commanders into battle.  This involved model of leadership exemplifies what Jesus did as well as what he taught.   
What was accomplished at the end of the day?  A few ditches dug, a few nails painted and hair cut for young mothers; a few walls painted - a neighborhood school spruced up.    Net result for the kingdom - unknown at present - but currently there are 160 more people ready to serve again this fall for the King.  And so much more.  They learned to enjoy the fellowship of ministry.  They shared the benefits of accomplishment. They left the building. 
What is the next level for these dear ones?  They will be coached to look for those similar type needs in their neighborhoods, in their Life Groups and in life itself.  Then they will do it again - simply serve people with a love that comes from Christ.  The ultimate goal?  Hopefully, they will end up like Anna & Simeon - (see Luke 2) - who  were serving constantly, joyfully and faithfully, and in the right place when Jesus showed up.  These two faithful senior saints had lived on mission for their entire lives, and at the very end were given a great opportunity.  Right in their normal place of service they saw the Lord.  Both of them then had the privilege of speaking praise and glory over the 'Light of Salvation' who came. God mentioned them in the account of our Savior - in part because of their faithfulness to that point - but mostly because their lives pointed to Jesus.  When we are at our best, we'll leave the building too - and point people to that same Jesus. 

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